Naps! Naps are great! Oct 10, 2017

So I kinda just woke up.. #pdaynaps Well I’m so tired I might as well be large black round piece of rubber that rolls on the road cuz I’m so tired! So let’s see how this group email goes haha!

Tuesday- exchanges. I took Elder Frye into this area and we had a ton to do that day. It was great! We had to run over to the mission home to say hi to President which is always a blast! So we were very late the rest of the day. But we got to share a missionary message with the Boden family here in the ward. They are super cool! They gave us peanut butter malts. We were appreciative.
Wednesday- yeah, I got sick. Not always a blast.. but it was still a good day. Our area book also updated and I don’t like it...
Thursday- we did splits this Thursday. I went with an rm named Elija. He’s a cool guy! We just have a ton of fun and talk while we knock doors. And everyone keeps rescheduling for Thursday’s when we have splits so some of these people think Elija is my comp haha!
Friday- last district meeting if the transfer!! Was awesome!
Saturday!- we had service at our investigator's house! Then at an investigator in Anthem. We also taught someone named Bentley. He’s a referral from sisters in sun city. He wants to be baptized!
Sunday- church
Monday- got the news that Elder Taylor is getting transferred out. I’m super bummed! I wanted him at least one more transfer but I’ll see him later.

The little girl is the niece of the bloke that just got baptized. 
Last district photo of the transfer
Zone hike