New suit. Jan 29, 2018

Hi Everyone!

Near the beginning this week we were invited to attend the high school basketball game. I didn’t know what we were there but we went and we ran into a young man named Julian. Good kid and friends with a ton of the youth at church. So we invited him to church in Sunday and he set an alarm right there so he’d remember. More info to come.

We had a lesson with the Ramsy’s again. She is committing to read the Book of Mormon so she can really find her answer. I know as she reads she really will. We also talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Which talks about baptism. Which really is that next step after God tells you the church is true. Because if the Book is true then the church is too (haha rhyme!). And if you’ve already been baptized, then the next step after finding out the Book is true is church to renew your covenant with God.

We also taught Gavin the Plan of Salvation this week. We drew it up on the board for him and helped him see the steps. It really helped him understand. Especially since he’s so young and hasn’t come to church in a while. It is important to know the steps, but more important to know how Christ is central to each phase in our eternal life. Gavin also wants to move towards baptism so we are helping him know what he’s getting into.

Fernando is a fellow we ran into knocking doors, he’s a cool guy with a cool beard. We knocked on his door and he told us he had about five minutes. So we ran through the whole Restoration right there. He invited us back thank goodness and he accepted a Book of Mormon. We hope he reads because there’s power in that book.

And I don’t know if any of your remember Brianna from Surprise. I taught her with Towle about a year ago and she has gotten baptized just this Saturday. She lives in Flagstaff now so I was able to go. It was so awesome to see! 

Julian from the basketball game did come to church and loved it a ton. He’s going to the mutual activity this week as well with the youth. Was awesome!

So about the new suits. They aren’t church suits which would be cool. There are some retired military in our ward and they gave us their old military suits. Our zone activity for this pday was nerf war. So Cheese and I decked out and dressed up. Super fun activity this pday. I had a good time!

Btw, Elder De La Cruz says hi to all of you.

Nerf war
Brianna, me, and Elder Towle